English - German

Benjamin Ladraa: The Israelis didn’t allow me to enter Palestine

The Israelis didn’t allow me to enter Palestine. I was interrogated for about six hours before they told me I was denied entry. They only gave two reasons for denying me entry, one was that they thought I was lying during the interrogation and the other was that they thought I would go to Nabi Saleh and make a demonstration (which they just assumed). On this day it has been eleven months of walking and speaking about the human rights violations under the occupation. Now ask yourself why the Israeli state fears one Swedish man so much that they didn’t allow him to enter the country they are occupying. This is the power of activism.



Izrael odmawiał Benjaminowe Benjamin Ladraa wejście do okupowanej Palestyny został przecechowane 6 god, a potem deportowane >>> to wszystko po 11 miesiące chodzenia na nogach dla pokoju z Szwecji do Palestyny …

