من هو نضال حمد

Safsaf Site – a stand of Pride of Nidal Hamad
من هو نضال ولماذا الصفصاف؟


من هو نضال حمد ولماذا الصفصاف؟

لاجئ فلسطيني من مواليد مخيم عين الحلوة جنوب لبنان ..

الأصل من بلدة الصفصاف قضاء صفد في الجليل الأعلى الفلسطيني المحتل.

تعلم ودرس في مدارس المخيم ومدينة صيدا اللبنانية ثم في مهاجر ما بعد 1982 الإجبارية سواء كانت عربية أم أوروبية. مختص في العلوم السياسية كما يعمل في مجالي الصحافة والإعلام ..

ينتمي لكامل التراب الوطني الفلسطيني بدون مزايدة على أحد، وهو من مدرسة حنظلة الفلسطينية التي أسسها الشهيد الراحل ناجي العلي.

يوجد لديه 3 كتب مطبوعة وهي :

” طفولة بين المقابر ” صدر سنة 2008 عن دار الشجرة في دمشق.

“في حضرة الحنين” مجموعة قصصية صادرة عن موقع الصفصاف سنة 2013 .

و” فجر العصافير الطليقة” مجموعة قصص ونصوص ترجمتها للايطالية الشاعرة والاديبة المغربية المقيمة في ايطاليا د. أسماء غريب. صدر عن موقع الصفصاف سنة 2014 .

وله كتاب تحت الطبع، يضم بعض النصوص والقصص والنثريات والخواطر التي ترجمها للغة الفرنسية الاديب والروائي التونسي ابراهيم درغوثي وآخرين. ..

شارك في عدة كتب منشورة الأول عن الشاعر الراحل محمد حمزة غنايم، الثاني عن الروائي الراحل عزت الغزاوي، الثالث عن الشاعر الراحل حكمت العتيلي، والرابع عن الشهيد جورج حاوي بعنوان جورج حاوي البدايات..

كتب مئات المقالات السياسية والاجتماعية والأدبية بالإضافة للخواطر وبعض القصص القصيرة التي نشرت في كبريات الصحف العربية ومنها: الخليج الامارتية، أخبار الخليج الامارتية، السفير، الأخبار، الديار واللواء في لبنان، الوطن القطرية، الرأي الأردنية، المستقبل العربي. الأيام والوسط البحرينيتين، القبس الكويتية. القدس العربي والعرب والعرب الدولية والكلمة والحقائق والعودة في لندن . الشروق التونسية، الوطن وتشرين والثورة وقاسيون سوريا. وفي الصحافة الفلسطينية بالإضافة لعدد كبير من المجلات والجرائد. كما ترجم عدد كبير من نصوصه وقصصه و مقالاته إلى اللغات الفرنسية، الايطالية، الفارسية، الإنكليزية، الأسبانية، البرتغالية، الكردية، البولندية و الروسية

شغل منصب سكرتير اللجنة التحضيرية لتجمع الأدباء والكتاب الفلسطينيين الذي تم حله في وقت لاحق.

يرأس منذ ابريل 2004 الجالية الفلسطينية في النرويج وأعيد انتخابه في آخر ثلاث مؤتمرات للجالية.

رئيس تحرير موقع الصفصاف الإخباري الثقافي العربي النرويجي، أول موقع عربي إخباري في النرويج تأسس سنة .2000


Safsaf Site – a stand of Pride of Nidal Hamad

Safsaf site has a national, ethics, and human nobility message, works on raising the voice of the wronged people against the injustice and the terrorist who took the Palestinians’ land and scattered them in the entire world. When the Zionist had done their crime and conquered the Palestinian land in 1948, and deport thousands of the Palestinians: had done hundreds of awful massacre and demolish hundreds of towns, cities and inhabitant Palestinian areas, Terrorist Zionist groups till today act as the smartest student towards those who had terrified their grandpas and had executed massacres to their parents in Europe.

Safsaf is one of the occupied Al Jalil towns, located at the bottom of Al Jarmaq Mountain; close to Safad city, was defeated by Zionist terrorist gangs in the night of 28/10/1948.. Zionist had run the most dreadful massacres killed 111 people, out of this number, 60 were of the town habitants, and the remainder were of the neighborhood who came to Safsaf after their towns were occupied by Jewish families that moved from Europe and Africa,. and the rest of the Palestinians were deported to Syria, Lebanon..

The site is named by Safsaf, the name of the town, to carry the Return Banner to the predecessor grandpas, and to achieve the return in all available means and methods, it is a type of loyalty to our people, to the land that speaks Arabic as a definition to the Right of Palestinian Return and keeps reminding with the crime, criminal , victim and suffering .

Safsaf has also another mission, as it is located in Europe, especially in the Scandinavian Norway, is introducing the Affairs and the suffering of the Palestinians and Arabs in this region, and introducing the Palestinian communities and the performance in Europe and West in general, and in presenting the activities, positions, supporting campaigns to the Palestinians in these countries, and to introduce the personalities, and organizations that support the Palestinian case.

Safsaf, has also a national message, its commitment to have Palestine fully freed and the return of all refugees; obligation to the freedom, independency and supporting the Palestinian Popular Resistance in all means against the Occupation, introducing this message and helping in opening the doors as much as possible to stand the obliged opinions, and encourage the youth and the coming generations to write and participate in the Site.

It is very simply a site of a position of pride we all have to stand it

Who is Nidal Hamad

Who is Nidal Hamad

Nidal is a Palestinian refugee, of Safsaf village born in Ain AL Helweh Refugees’ camp in South Lebanon in 1963, there he was raised up and studied in the biggest camp’s school, where he has his thoughts and opinions grown on the revolution, and had chosen to be a part of it.

He marched with his comrades on the path to freedom, and on the Seventh of September 1982, the second day of the Sabra and Shatila Massacres, had the honor to be injured by a missile of Mirkavah tank while facing off the criminals of that massacre in the two said camps, he has got an amputated leg and suffered numerous injuries, but he did not lose hope, even more insistent on the path of confrontation and pain which in conclusion, leads to the liberation of Palestine that is inevitable.

Nidal Hamad, a member of the Palestinian Hanadzlah School, founded by artist Martyr Naji Al-Ali .. It is the belong to all Palestine and the fight and confronting the reporters and corrupt and the hypocrites.

He has a book titled “Childhood amongst graves”, published in 2008 by AL Shajarh Publishers in Syria.

And 2 books:

( Fi Hadrat Alhaneen ) .. 2013.

( L’alba degli uccelli liberi) .. libro nuovo di Nidal Hamad a cura di Asma Gherib. 2014.

At present, he works on printing two books comprising stories and anecdotal prose and poetry translated to Italian and French languages ..

Participated in several published books, the first was on the late poet Mohammed Hamza Ghanayem, the second was on the late novelist Izzat Ghazzawi and the third was on the late poet Hikamt al Aotaili and the fourth was on George Hawi titled George Hawi’s Beginnings ..

Wrote hundreds of articles on political, social and moral as well as of thoughts and short stories published in major Arab newspapers: Al Khaleej Akhbar AL Emarat (UAE) Assafir, Al Akhbar, Addiyar, Allewaa (Lebanon), Al Watan (Qatar) Al Rai (Jordan) Al Ayam AL Wasat (Bahrain) Al Qabas (Kuwait) Al Quds AL Arabi, Arab, Al Arab Al Dawliyah, Al Kalemah, Al haqa’iq (London) Al Shorouq (Tunisia), Al Watan, Techrin, Al Thawrah & Qasion (Syria), and in the Palestinian journals, added to that number of magazines.

Also translated a large number of texts and stories and articles to Norwegian, French, Italian, Persian, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Kurdish , Polish and Russian languages.

Worked as secretary of the Preparatory Commission for the gathering of Palestinian intellectuals and writers.

Since April 2004 headed by the Palestinian community in Norway and was re-elected three times.

Editor-in-Chief Safsaf news site, the first Arab news website in Norway that was founded in 2000.

Member of the “From the Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf” forums, supervisor on the Press Section..

تعريف بنضال حمد وموقع الصفصاف