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DOK Leipzig Animation Winners eligible for OSCARs®

The best animation films at DOK Leipzig can qualify for an OSCAR® from now on. DOK Leipzig has been placed in a further category as an Academy qualifying festival by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in Los Angeles. From 2014, the winning film of the Golden Dove in DOK Leipzig’s International Competition Animated Film automatically qualifies for the annual competition of the ACADEMY AWARD ® in the Short Film category. The theatrical release of the film to American cinemas in the metropolitan areas of Los Angeles or Manhattan is not necessary, normally a prerequisite for the qualification.

“The possibility to qualify for an OSCAR® means that winning a main prize for short film at DOK Leipzig will open fantastic opportunities to filmmakers,” explains Festival Director Claas Danielsen. “The fact that the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has elevated our two-genre festival to both categories of the acclaimed series of Academy qualifying festivals proves the international significance of DOK Leipzig.”

The Golden Dove Award for the best Animated Film, worth 5,000 Euro, was awarded this year to the Swedish contribution “Still Born” by Åsa Sandzén. This film can now qualify for the 2015 ACADEMY AWARD® in the Short Film category.

This year’s winner of the Golden Dove for the International Short Documentary Competition is the Dutch contribution “Escort”, by Guido Hendrikx. He can now qualify for an OSCAR® in the category “Documentary Short Subject”. This Golden Dove is worth 3,000 Euro and is sponsored by TELEPOOL Pty Ltd.

Entries for the 58th edition of the International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film can be submitted starting in the end of March until 15 May or 10 July 2015, depending on the date of the film’s completion.

Further information about this year’s prize winners of DOK Leipzig can be found here: www.dok-leipzig.de/festival/preistraeger-2014/?lang=en&

The new festival lists of the ACADEMY will be published in January. The regulations for the ACADEMY AWARDS® can be found here: www.oscars.org/rules

Any questions concerning this press release?

Ulrike Zoller, Leiterin Öffentlichkeitsarbeit | presse@dok-leipzig.de | 0341-30864-1060

DOK Leipzig thanks:

DOK Partner: MaXx Print GmbH | DOK Supporter: EU-OSHA – Europäische Agentur für Sicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz am Arbeitsplatz, BIG Cinema GmbH, Telepool GmbH, TFD Technischer Filmdienst GmbH, nextbike GmbH, modulbox mo systeme GmbH, ils medientechnik GmbH, IQ Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH, Leipziger Messe GmbH, PROMENADEN Hauptbahnhof Leipzig, Sky Deutschland AG, ver.di FilmUnion | DOK IT Partner: Computer Leipzig | DOK Cinema Partner: CineStar | DOK Media Partner: MDR, der Freitag | DOK Cooperation Partner: DEFA-Stiftung, Doc Alliance, Documentary Campus, DOK.Incubator, Goethe-Institut, MDR Figaro, Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig, Polnisches Institut Berlin, Filiale Leipzig, Stiftung Friedliche Revolution, Tribeca Film Institute, Zeitgeschichtliches Forum Leipzig | Cooperation Partner DOK Nachwuchs: Sächsische Landesanstalt für privaten Rundfunk und neue Medien | DOK Funds: Stadt Leipzig, Sächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien, Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung, Creative Europe – MEDIA Programme of the European Union, Auswärtiges Amt, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, German Films, Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen, Medienstiftung der Sparkasse Leipzig, SWISS FILMS, ZDF

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