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[HumanRights] Ending Racism, Colonialism and Imperialism?

Mazin Qumsiyeh

Six-minute video in response to those who emailed defending Trump’s USA:
https://vimeo.com/462682220 ….The Music is by Four Arrows and here is a
class that he offers that I spoke at 27-9-2020  on ‘Indiginous struggles
-case of Palestine’ at Fielding University http://youtu.be/MDuxA7K4_RQ

Colonoial Israel may become (with US imperial help) a global power using
stolen Palestinian natural gas! (even from the area of Gaza which is why
Gazans  are blockaded and subjected to a process that can only be termed
genocide). ‘May become’ because people can still stop this!

Meanwhile the Palestinain leaders ship still talks about having a state in
the West Bank and Gaza. There are actually more Israeli Jews living in the
West Bank per square kilometer than inside the Green line (the 78% of
Palestine stolen and colonized in 1948-19498 following ethnic cleansing of
500+ villages and towns). Can we all stop this charade of a ‘two-state

Impact of the Israeli Occupation on Palestinian Science, Education, and
Research: A Conversation with Palestinian Colleagues on the infringements
on the rights to science and education of the Palestinian people.

Israel’s Fifth Column: Exercising control from inside the government

The so-called ‘debate’ between Trump and Biden merely confirmed that the US
is finished as an empire and its common people will also suffer. There is
lots of blame to go around: a public who does not revolt against those who
really stack the elections (to give us only a choice of two evils), a
public that let its government cause the deaths of millions and suffering
of hundreds of millions, the Zionist ;lobby, the military industrial
complex, the controlled media etc. It is really time for a new world based
on justice and human rights, a world where all the tails & elites
colonialism are stripped of power and money and go before people’s courts.

There are also good documentaries about the lobby produced by AlJazeera but
the outlet decided not to air it after pressure from the lobby but was
leaked and are available
How the lobby shut down investigation of the attacks on the USS Liberty

Question to all: do we really want to end racism, colonialism and
imperialism and if so, what are we ready to do?

Stay Human
Viva Palestina

Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor, Founder, and (volunteer) Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability
Bethlehem University
Occupied Palestine
facebook pages
Personal https://www.facebook.com/mazin.qumsiyeh.9